About Me

My name is Jelani Antoine and I’m a self taught visual artist from Brooklyn, New York. My first interest in art was watching my older brother draw as a child. I gravitated to anime at a young age, when my brother and I would watch it together. Some days, I would find a vacant room and draw all my favorite characters until somebody came looking for me.

As I got older I attended a couple art and graphic design classes and printed on clothes with some friends. I grew a new fascination seeing people wearing graphics I made, so after a lot of trial and error I ended up making “MheartCo”.

MheartCo is an art project that I’ve been working on since 2017. I don’t want to give too much away about the name and meaning but working on this for so long has been miserable.The only reason why I continue is because I end up meeting new people who get the work— I find a sort of safety and community. I guess misery does love company.